Saturday, October 11, 2008

24... 100 days until Bush leaves office

Perhaps we begin another countdown today. In addition to my 40-day countdown to Election Day, I'd like to add the countdown from 100 of the number of days Bush has left in office. Now, I've actually been counting down since January 1, 2008 when I began reading Countdown to Out-of Office Calendar. The calendar gave me a daily reminder as to why I should be looking forward to the end of the Bush/Cheney regime (not that I need 385 reminders).

Here are some major reasons why I can't wait until Bush and Cheney are out: Patriot Act; No Child Left Behind, Illegal occupation of Iraq, "Mission Accomplished", Rubber-stamp veto, Karl Rove, Net job-loss, doubling national debt--$5 to $10 trillion (10,000,000,000,000 dollars), failing to pass SCHIP bill; Donald Rumsfeld; U.S. secedes from the U.N.; Condoleeza Rice.

It is very important to remember that we are only 24 days from electing Bush's successor (as a Bushism, "You can't say he'll be successer than me yet, we haven't even seen him as President, heh"). But it is also good to keep in mind that 100 days from today, the Bush White House will be no more.

January 20, 2009: Save the date... Inviting everyone, everywhere to celebrate with us on this, the happiest day of our lives.

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