Sunday, October 26, 2008

9 days to go...

So after a two week hiatus due to time without Internet and a busy schedule of travel, unpacking and repacking, I am back for the homestretch. A lot has happened since my last post. I'm not going to try to catch you up on everything. I will trust that you have been following the "talking heads" on CNN or keeping up with all of the lastest election buzz on the blogosphere.

My biggest fears have been realized. The negativity has taken a stranglehold of McCain's campaign. First it was Wright, then Ayers, then Resco; all of these, futile attempts by the McCain/Palin negative nincompoops to smear the Obama/Biden ticket. The most negative the Obama campaign has gotten was attacking McCain for being connected to Michael Keating. This was timely, as McCain has long been a proponent of deregulation. Obama's message of higher regulations hit home with American taxpayers as they watched Congress approve Bush's $700 billion bailout. Both candidates pinned Wall Street against Main Street. Despite his relentless efforts, J Mac's Maverick status has slipped through his hands as he's pandered more and more to the Republican base. Once a man of integrity as a respected Senator, he has abandoned his days as a Maverick and failed to denounce racist attacks at rallies. Finally, probably after hearing David Gergen point it out, McCain took the microphone from one lady at a rally who said she didn't trust Obama and called him an Arab. Sadly, McCain's response was not that of a Maverick in the slightest. "No ma'am. Senator Obama is a decent human being...". Of course, the latest buffoon for the McCain/Palin ticket was Joe the Plumber who isn't really a plumber after all. Joe is now contemplating a run for Congress in 2010.

With less than ten days of robocalls and conservative talk radio, I am terrified to think what lows the Republican National Committee will sink to, in order to give their true American hero the upper hand. I guess, this is democracy at its best; where the people elect their leaders. It feels like easily the majority of the people of this country want Obama to be their next Commander-in-Chief.

Joe the who?? Speaking of America, in America's pasttime right now, the Phillies are one game away from winning the World Series! This would give Philadelphia its first professional championship since 1983. Starting pitcher for the Phils tonight in Game 4, Joe Blanton, got the win and hit a home run. The last Joe that Philadelphia is thinking of right now is Joe the Plumber. Joe the Pitcher is all the buzz in Philly tonight.

9 days. Vote. How, you might ask? Well, just listen to Bush's former Press Secretary Scott McClellan. Oh that's right, he just endorsed Barack Obama.

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