Friday, October 10, 2008

25... Presidential Election = Parents' approval of daughter's beau

I think winning a Presidential election is a lot like a man (candidate) winning the approval of his girlfriend's parents (American voters). You have to earn trust and respect, your record must be unblemished, and not mention, you've got to convince people that you will take care of their only daughter (The United States of America) and treat her like a lady.

Only in Presidential politics, you're not just trying to convince a few people, you're trying to convince millions. Now, these millions of people... they are all different. The majority of them want to get to know you and run a fine-toothed comb through you (vetting). Also, the girl (U.S.A.) in this case, has no say. She, herself, goes with what her parents (millions of American voters) decide. So, you've got to gain their approval and do it according to their terms. You may have some fundamental differences with these people, but you've got to pander to them and sacrifice some of your soul for the sake of the prize at the end of the race. But no matter how hard you try or what you say, you aren't going to win them all. What's worse is that they have another man (opposing candidate) in mind for their daughter (U.S.A.), and they like him much better and think that he would treat their princess much better than you would. So now, you are inevitably competing against an equal opponent who loves the same girl dearly. You might say that he always puts her first (Now who's going to argue with that?). Oh yeah, another frightening reality check, you are both engaged to the same woman... at the same time!

So you sink every dollar that you have as well as don't have (campaign finance), into trying to win them over, and also not let your opponent win. After an exhausting several weeks of proving yourself time and time again (campaign), it comes down to one day.

One other difference, if you do happen to win the approval of the majority, your union with their daughter might only be for 4 or 8 years. Then you will be judged on those years, never to be forgotten, and it will be someone else's turn to have a try at the lucky girl.

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